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Art Studio

Digidi Members 

Membership, Productions & Services

Custom packages for Digidi members

Explorer our productions and services and achieve your creative goals.

To get started, simply follow these steps:



1) Start by calculating your monthly subscription based on your individual financial leeway. 

BEP- Calculator: Go to Break-Even Plan (BEP) 


2) Select your package and membership at Patreon to start your monthly subscription:


3) Finally, go to our Booking calendar and create a member log-in to access your productions and services:



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​As a member of DiGiDi, you get 10 % off your first production !


Remember that you can pay the production fee right here below, or when you finish your booking in the booking system! We're here to help you and guide you through the booking system. If you don't reach our open lines, please leave a message if you want us to get back to you before 2 business days. We'll get in touch asap!


Contact us here: or +45 30312510 if you have any questions!



 OFFICE hours 

Monday - Friday  (7 pm - 9 pm)  19:00 - 21:00

Saturday  (12 pm - 2 pm)  12:00 - 14:00

Production Fee

  • Remember to add your Patreon Package number and your name on your transfer information

Music Video Production

Postproduktion i proces

Music Video Production

We produce your music videos, Promotion videos and Content Productions! From your creative idea, to final cut. Send us your pitch, script, and music profile descriptions. You can either request a production on demand with up-front payment, or you can book a package by signing up for a membership on PATREON, and select your break-even payment plan. Click the picture above for more detailed information! For signing up go to PATREON. When you're registered, go to BOOKING to book your productions and services.

See you there!

Photo Shoot



We collaborate with a team of professional photographers, ready to make your dream of an amazing photo collection come true. We work with a wide range of photographers from different industry fields and very different approcahes.

Our photographers come from varied backgrounds in the industry: Fashion, commercial, portrait, music artists and performances, lingeri, creative, model portfolio, jewelry etc. 

Click the picture above to get a look into some of our photographer's work. 

See you there!

 MentalVoice I Coaching





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Connected Art Studio is proud to collaborate with MentalVoice, and to offer individual coaching for all artistic and creative people out there, who want to work with your artistic and personal growth, or maybe you struggle with difficult issues in the industry as performance pressure or identity insecurities. Get the best tools to manage your individual challenges.  

We support MentalVoice's important work on Mental Health, where all the activities help artists of all fields to stand strong on their individual artistic journey. As a music artist, model or actor, you get proof secured mental tools to stand solid and clearminded, build up your own resilience, an find your artistic purposefulness, to reach your creative and personal goals.

Click on the picture above to get detailed information on MentalVoice and the vision.


Møde på korridoren

Click here

Social Media and video Promotion  

We offer Social Media promotion and promotion videos to get your creative profile heard and seen. We create nice professional texts, videos, upload your pictures and promote your artistic profile on the media platform that you decide. You select or mix your own package when you sign up at PATREON, and book your promotion services when you go to BOOKING.

If you click the picture above, it leads you to the details of the promotion. See you there!


   Membership I Productions I Services I Booking   

Dance Team
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Copyright © 2025  Connected Art Studio  I  All rights reserved

     A division of  I  Art Life Collaboration 


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